Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why is the stole worn under the chasuble?

Someone asked me in a course about this, as sometimes priests wear the stole outside the chasuble. Is this incorrect? Why must it be worn under?

I shared the joke that a priest friend told me that wearing the stole on the outside of the chasuble is like wearing your underwear outside your pants, but last weekend I learned a better reason.

The priest who was teaching his congregation about vesting prayers and the vestments taught that the stole represents the authority of the priest/bishop. The chasuble is final garment donned and is worn only at Eucharistic celebrations. The chasuble represents LOVE. Over all of these things (and especially the exercise of authority represented by the stole), we "put on love" (cf: Colossians 3:4). The deacon wears the stole over his shoulder (like a waiter with a towel on his shoulder) to represent his service.

This does not mean that you need to change your album page, but for your information!

So there you go!

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